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iOS CoreBluetooth unlikely error

Hello, I discover and connect my nRF51822 service. It can be peripheral and Communication read/write data. but have some issue for disconnect/reconnect .When My app for iOS connect nRF51822 and send some data, my ios app shaow some message :Unlikely error. But I use dong Debuger is OK connect. How explain unlikely error message? what it is meaning ?

James Zhang

APPLE BLE ERR MES20140105154322.jpg

  • Hi there,

    Unlikely is actually an ATT error, which maps to 14 (0x0E), you can see this in ble_gatt.h:

    #define BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_UNLIKELY_ERROR 0x010E /**< ATT Error: Very unlikely error. */

    Please note that the 0x01 that preceeds the 0x0E is only internal to the stack.

    Are you running an ATT client or server in the nRF51?

    If using a server on the chip, are you using authorization at all, where you can override the error code sent back to the client? (i.e. are you calling sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply() ) ?


  • Hi there,

    Unlikely is actually an ATT error, which maps to 14 (0x0E), you can see this in ble_gatt.h:

    #define BLE_GATT_STATUS_ATTERR_UNLIKELY_ERROR 0x010E /**< ATT Error: Very unlikely error. */

    Please note that the 0x01 that preceeds the 0x0E is only internal to the stack.

    Are you running an ATT client or server in the nRF51?

    If using a server on the chip, are you using authorization at all, where you can override the error code sent back to the client? (i.e. are you calling sd_ble_gatts_rw_authorize_reply() ) ?


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