How to enable PCLK32M peripheral clock and which peripheral use it?
How to enable PCLK32M peripheral clock and which peripheral use it?
The system will turn that clock on any time a peripheral needs it. I don't believe you can control it. The nRF51 documentation had a table showing which clocks each peripheral needed. I haven't seen a similar table for the nRF52 yet, but I haven't closely read the 52 documentation yet as we haven't migrated over to it yet.
EDIT: The PCLK32M is only used by two peripherals; the PDM and the I2S. It is not possible to drive other peripherals, like e.g. a timer, using the PCLK32M.
As John DeWitt says, there is a clock manager that starts the clock needed by a peripheral automatically. Here is a relevant answer.
You can start the HFCLK manually by writing a '1' to the CLOCK->TASKS_HFCLKSTART task. It will take some time to start the clock so you should wait for an EVENTS_HFCLKSTARTED event before allowing your application to proceed.
The table in the nRF51 documentation that John DeWitt is mentioning seems to have been forgotten in the nRF52 PS. I have reported it internally and hopefully we will see it included soon.
I mean can I config some peripherals to use PCLK32M
Sorry. I misunderstood your question. Edited my answer above.