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CPU load (with SD) ?


Is there any way to know CPU load (active vs sleep time) ?

  • on the nRF52 you could use SysTick for that, since SysTick isn't really used and, because it stops every time the processor goes to sleep, hard to find a good use for.

    You'd also expect on the nRF52 some of this information is available via the expanded debugging facilities. For a start, when debugging nRF52 stuff I get a CPU cycle count, pretty sure you can read that from code, you also have the option of trace and SWO output. I enabled it once and CrossWorks chewed the data and gave me some kind of readable output but I haven't spent much time on it.

  • on the nRF52 you could use SysTick for that, since SysTick isn't really used and, because it stops every time the processor goes to sleep, hard to find a good use for.

    You'd also expect on the nRF52 some of this information is available via the expanded debugging facilities. For a start, when debugging nRF52 stuff I get a CPU cycle count, pretty sure you can read that from code, you also have the option of trace and SWO output. I enabled it once and CrossWorks chewed the data and gave me some kind of readable output but I haven't spent much time on it.

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