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Scan beacons


I'm currently trying to scan beacons with timeslot example.

However, I found that there're more than 20% of loss while scanning beacons broadcast.

I think that's huge even if broadcast has no guarantee to be transferred.

I set up 1 beacon to broadcast with specified UUID in a short interval.

The interval is 20ms and I achieved this with repeating start & stop manually.

The beacon broadcast for 256 time and each time change minor value of packet. (0x00 to 0xFF)

Then, I set a scanner to scan beacon broadcast packets with specified UUID.

(I make it compare UUID of each packet manually.)

For the physical environment, I placed a beacon and a scanner close to each other. (less than 20cm)

And then, I checked out how much loss happened in the scanner side.

For various combinations of scan interval & window value, loss rate always exceeds 20%.

I wonder if this is expected normal performance.

Can I get a code review for this test?

Or can I get a verified result & sample code for testing?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi,

    Any particular reason why you do it with timeslot API? When using normal dual-role stack (S130) on nRF51 DK I have basically zero packet loss when scanning with 100% duty cycle down to 10 broadcasters @20ms interval (beacons if you want but I simply use connectable adv. to be able to go below 100ms with standard BLE stack). If S13x scans at 100% duty cycle I get resolution down to ~1 adv per ms (1000 adv. reports per second) and if I'd be also advertising I expect to keep it very close to that because advertising Tx+Rx blocks radio for <1ms.

    Cheers Jan

  • Hi, hard to even spot the update in your question. have you thought about some better structuring (when it comes to technical debate)?;) Cheers Jan
