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Disabling LD2 on 10031

In this previous discussion on minimizing power consumption on the NRF51-Dongle, it says:

You are using evaluation kit or development kit and LEDs are connected on your board. Solution: Disconnect the LEDs or disable them in software. When using nRF51-DK or nRF51-Dongle, LEDs are not included in the current measurement.

However I don't see documentation anywhere on how to disable the 'system status' LED LD2 when it comes time to get serious about power measurement. Can you point me in the right direction?

  • I don't see any solution in this case. The Atmel chip and the nRF51 chip share the same power source, when you power the board you will power both chips. You will see about ~20uA more than what it should be. I assume this current is for the Atmel chip in sleep mode. ( Note: you should supply the current on VDD_3V3, not on VIN or VBUS, otherwise you will trigger the Atmel chip to work in USB mode and you will see the current consumption of 20mA)

    If you want to use a ready made small footprint board, you can think of buying the nRF BeaconKit, then you don't have to worry about extra current. I think it would fit for your application. (You would need to use the nRF51 DK to program the kit).

  • I don't see any solution in this case. The Atmel chip and the nRF51 chip share the same power source, when you power the board you will power both chips. You will see about ~20uA more than what it should be. I assume this current is for the Atmel chip in sleep mode. ( Note: you should supply the current on VDD_3V3, not on VIN or VBUS, otherwise you will trigger the Atmel chip to work in USB mode and you will see the current consumption of 20mA)

    If you want to use a ready made small footprint board, you can think of buying the nRF BeaconKit, then you don't have to worry about extra current. I think it would fit for your application. (You would need to use the nRF51 DK to program the kit).

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