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Efficient way of using characteristics


I am working on optimizing my BLE transfer algorithm. Therefore I am searching for an efficient way of using the characteristics. Example: At the moment I have 2 characteristics called “longitude” and “latitude” in a service. Size of both is 2 byte (int16_t). Is it more efficient to merge them together into one characteristic called “coordinates” with a length of 4 byte? What about the difference in stack usage of the softdevice (S120) in this two cases?

Thanks in advance

BR BTprogrammer

  • Hi,

    It's better to group the 2 characteristic into one, you will save a lot of overhead. Also there is another limitation on the number of packet per connection interval. Some central only allow 1 packet per connection interval, by grouping the 2 characteristics you can send more data. The maximum payload size of a packet is 20 bytes.

  • Yes, it will save you some little space for the RAM of the Attribute table. But not the RAM used for number of connection as when configuring the softdevice (the RAM area for application)

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