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looking for source file of MEFW_nRF51822_0.9.0_firmware.hex

We are looking to understand the internal working of the nRF51822 firmware (MEFW_nRF51822_0.9.0_firmware.hex). If someone can share the original code or the basic block diagram of its working that would be great.


  • Hi there,

    We are looking to understand the internal working of the nRF51822 firmware (MEFW_nRF51822_0.9.0_firmware.hex). If someone can share the original code or the basic block diagram of its working that would be great.


    The Master Emulator Firmware is provided as a binary-only blob implementing a Central Link Layer to be used as a radio by the Master Control Panel. If you need Central functionality you can use the S120 SoftDevice. Nordic does not provide HCI level access to its stack at this time.



  • Hi there,

    We are looking to understand the internal working of the nRF51822 firmware (MEFW_nRF51822_0.9.0_firmware.hex). If someone can share the original code or the basic block diagram of its working that would be great.


    The Master Emulator Firmware is provided as a binary-only blob implementing a Central Link Layer to be used as a radio by the Master Control Panel. If you need Central functionality you can use the S120 SoftDevice. Nordic does not provide HCI level access to its stack at this time.



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