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S130 SDK 11 add custom service & Char

I am trying to Migrate from Sdk 6 to Sdk 11.

Here i am facing problem in discovering Custom Characteristics. I can successfully add service and 2 characteristics without any error in my code routine.

But in Android Phone app i can't see any Custom Characteristics.

When debugging i found out, I can successfully add service and my two characteristics even i am getting NRF_Success from their routine but still i can't see custom Characteristics in my Phone app(Nordic Master control panel).

I am attaching image of my phone app where you can refer and even attaching my ble_sbs.c routine c ble_sbs.cfile for your reference.

I tried different android phones but same result. ScreenShot for reference.

Please help me out since i am new to this Sdk... image description

  • Carles now i can see characteristics the problem was with "p_sbs_init->notify_data.length" and "write_data.length" variable they where not getting filled because of that add char function was not getting called. Now by editting that i can see both my characteristics. Thanks for your support Carles !!!

  • Carles now i can see characteristics the problem was with "p_sbs_init->notify_data.length" and "write_data.length" variable they where not getting filled because of that add char function was not getting called. Now by editting that i can see both my characteristics. Thanks for your support Carles !!!

No Data