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How to supply voltage to nrf8002

I am using nordic nrf8002 BLE with a breakout board & not a developement kit. I gave 3.3v supply in different combinations: (1)3.3v to vdd pin-1, GND to vss pin-4 (2)3.3v to vdd in-1, GND to all vss (3)3.3v to vdd pin-1,9 & GND to all vsss. While trying all 3 combos BLE is not discoverable in Nordic tool mobile app & while uploading configuration from nrfgo studio error code: UART rx failure showing. does anyone know how to power up nrf8002 stand alone.

  • I tried that schematic by connecting all components including antenna. Now its communicating well with nrfgostudio in direct test mode. In ftdi cable, tx led is blinking while sending test. But BLE is still unrecoverable in Nordic android application. while uploading the custom services configuration its showing error saying "UART RX failed". I checked all UART connections, which are fine. Do you have any information that whether smd nrf8002/nrf51422 IC chips comes with inbuilt botloader/firmware or we have to flash them manualy.

  • I tried that schematic by connecting all components including antenna. Now its communicating well with nrfgostudio in direct test mode. In ftdi cable, tx led is blinking while sending test. But BLE is still unrecoverable in Nordic android application. while uploading the custom services configuration its showing error saying "UART RX failed". I checked all UART connections, which are fine. Do you have any information that whether smd nrf8002/nrf51422 IC chips comes with inbuilt botloader/firmware or we have to flash them manualy.
