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nRF51422 ANT dfu experimental bootloader

Hi I'm using the PCA10003 dev board to try it out the OTA firmware update.

What i did is exactly that:

  • Modify the bootloader example for S310 softdevice and 10003 board with: "ANT_STACK_SUPPORT_REQD __HEAP_SIZE=0 BOARD_PCA10003 S310 SWI_DISABLE0 NRF51 SOFTDEVICE_PRESENT" in the defines and also the include path for the S310 headers.

  • Changed the memory layout to: IROM1 start 0x3B800 size 0x4800 IRAM1 start 0x20002400 size 0x1C00

Compiling works well, after that i reset the entire nfr51422 with nRFGO Studio, program the softdevice, in my case S310 v3.0.0, program the compiled bootloader, everything runs smooth.

At this point I'm using the "OTA Updater" v1.4 from ant, it can recognize well the device and it uploads without problems the application hex, but once i do this the application never starts, also after a reset, and i cant access the nrf no more from the OTA Updater...

I'm working with the 10.0.0 sdk

Any ideas? Thanks Max

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