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hrs not created in nRF5 SDK

Hi, I use [nRF5_SDK_11.0.0\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hrs\pca10040\s132],but I get error such as the following.

{ ............\components\softdevice\s132\headers\nrf_nvic.h(233): error: #20: identifier "NRF_ERROR_SOC_BASE_NUM" is undefined return RF_ERROR_SOC_NVIC_INTERRUPT_NOT_AVAILABLE; ............\components\softdevice\s132\headers\nrf_nvic.h(237): error: #20: identifier "NRF_ERROR_SOC_BASE_NUM" is undefined return RF_ERROR_SOC_NVIC_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_NOT_ALLOWED; ............\components\softdevice\s132\headers\nrf_nvic.h(248): error: #20: identifier "NRF_SUCCESS" is undefined return NRF_SUCCESS; }

Please tell me how to resolve.

Thanks Uba

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