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App timer stop in nRF52 DK

Dear Sir. I have a question for app timer in nRF52 DK(pca10040).

I was called a example source(ble_app_hts) for nRF5_SDK_11.0.0-2.alpha. And I add UART part for logview.

And then I executed build and download.

Firstly, source code is normally executed for awhile. But main source code is stoped. In case of, I didn't use BLE.

If I use BLE connection, DK is alive continuously.

What can I check for this issue?

I think that DK must alive even though I don't use ble connection.

Please help me.

Thasnks and have a nice day!

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    When the device is not in a connection, I assume that it is supposed to advertise? By default in our examples advertising has a timeout, set with APP_ADV_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS.

    If you set APP_ADV_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDSto '0', the advertising will not time out.

    Let me know if setting the advertising timeout to '0' doesn't solve the problem.
