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DTM sample project

I would like to measure BER and PER on custom board by using sample project that is included SDK.


Could you please teach me about below questions?

  1. The value of the PER and BER is measured in the sample project of the above?
  2. If NO, I should use external equipment such as MT8852 for RF evaluation?
  3. If YES, please teach me about mechanism of BER measurement.

Best Regards,

  • I suggest that you take a look at the nAN34 - Setting up production test using DTM application note, which can be found on this page on our Infocenter.

    You can use a nRF51/52 DK or a Bluetooth Tester(e.g. MT8852) to perform the test. If you use the nRF51/52 as the Upper Tester as described in the application note, then you can also take a look at the attached pdf, it explains briefly how to setup the python scripts and show the output of the script with different attenuation levels.


    DTM Test Setup.pdf


  • I suggest that you take a look at the nAN34 - Setting up production test using DTM application note, which can be found on this page on our Infocenter.

    You can use a nRF51/52 DK or a Bluetooth Tester(e.g. MT8852) to perform the test. If you use the nRF51/52 as the Upper Tester as described in the application note, then you can also take a look at the attached pdf, it explains briefly how to setup the python scripts and show the output of the script with different attenuation levels.


    DTM Test Setup.pdf


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