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Wifi with NRF51

Hi We are thinking of using NRF51 for BLE and CPU capabilities. But we also need a Wifi add-on to connect to cloud.

What is the right chipset for this? Which ones are tested and practical for usage in production in volume?

Are there right libraries developed and tested?

ESP8266 or TI CS3100 or Intel Edison?

  • As both @wtbn (Wojtek) and @anders-strand has pointed out, this question should be posted on the TI and ESP forums as this site is for Nordic Products only.

    However, the nRF51 has a lot of serial interfaces (I2C, UART and SPI) that could be used to interface with the ESP8266 and the TI CS3100, but there are no examples\libraries for this in our SDK.

    You might be better off choosing a chip/module with both Bluetooth and WiFi, like the Intel-Edison.

    Best regards


  • As both @wtbn (Wojtek) and @anders-strand has pointed out, this question should be posted on the TI and ESP forums as this site is for Nordic Products only.

    However, the nRF51 has a lot of serial interfaces (I2C, UART and SPI) that could be used to interface with the ESP8266 and the TI CS3100, but there are no examples\libraries for this in our SDK.

    You might be better off choosing a chip/module with both Bluetooth and WiFi, like the Intel-Edison.

    Best regards


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