Hi Nordic support, I am building the ble_connectivity project of the latest SDK11. My EVB is pca10028m, the project is located under "nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197\examples\ble_central_and_peripheral\ble_connectivity\pca10028\ser_s130_hci\arm5_no_packs". I met this problem in KEIL MDK. Please kindly help to build a FW image for me to use nRFgo download it. Thanks.
.\_build\nrf51422_xxac_s130.axf: error: L6050U: The code size of this image (37692 bytes) exceeds the maximum allowed for this version of the linker.
Finished: 0 information, 0 warning, 0 error and 1 fatal error messages.
".\_build\nrf51422_xxac_s130.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).