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Button event is not being generated with example project

Hello, I am working with both QFABA0 devices as well as a QFAAC0. Because of the outdated silicon I am constrained to SDK V4.x and SD V5.x

My current test setup is

I am using custom circuit boards that have worked previously. The software modification is that I have set NRF6310_BUTTON_0 to 30, the location of my button.

This code works:

int main(void)
		nrf_gpio_cfg_input(30, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL);
		if (nrf_gpio_pin_read(30))

therefore, I am convinced the hardware works correctly (LED displays inverse of pin state)

When using the example regularly, button_event_handler is never called. In fact, GPIOTE_IRQHandler is never called either. Something tells me this is related to softdevice interrupt redirection. Could it possibly be my keil toolchain?

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