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Programming as Stand alone

We have an nRFgo nRF24LE1 32-pin 5*5mm Development kit. How do we program this as a stand alone application without nRFgo Starter Kit Motherboard ? Is there any tool or software to do this?


  • Hi Pradeep,

    We don't have any other tool for programming the nRF24LE1 except forthe nRFGo Starter Kit. However, the nRF24LE1 uses standard ICSP programming. You can use any ICSP (SPI) programmer. Please do a search for "nRF24LE1 programmer" to find 3rd party programmers.

    You would need to connect 5 pins: FCSN, FMISO, FMOSI, FSCK and PROG for programming ( beside VDD and GND). You can find the pin numbers for them at section in the nRF24LE1 Product Spec. Then you can find the pins in the header by looking into the hardware files of the nRF24LE1 DK.
