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pkt drop during observer,advertiser concurrent role

Hi Team,

What are the chances of pkt loss in case of concurrent observer, advertiser role using S130? Application is like in observer mode device need to observe some activities (as a part of advt pkt) and based on that in advertiser mode some alerts to be broadcast (again as a part of advt pkt).

What could be the lowest possible time to have peripheral and central device in connection mode using S110?


Milan J

  • What are the chances of pkt loss in case of concurrent observer, advertiser role using S130? Application is like in observer mode device need to observe some activities (as a part of advt pkt) and based on that in advertiser mode some alerts to be broadcast (again as a part of advt pkt).

    The broadcaster and observer need to share the radio resource. I'm not sure what you mean by packet loss. Is it packet loss when an advertising packet isn't sent because the radio is used for scanning? Is it packet loss if an advertising packet isn't received because the radio is used for advertising? I can't give you an exact answer to this. At least not when you haven't given me any parameters. There do however exist a couple of discussions on the subject. Please see this and this.

    What could be the lowest possible time to have peripheral and central device in connection mode using S110?

    SoftDevice S110 can only be a peripheral. It seems you are asking how long you have to be in a connection until you can disconnect. You can disconnect quickly, I believe how long you need to be in a connection depends more on what you actually need to do in the connection, like service discovery and data transfer. It also depends on the connection interval. You can get around service discovery if you are bonded with the central that connects to you.

    I'm sorry I can't give you a more specific answer, your questions are not very specific. Please consider to edit your question, elaborate and include some more details.

  • Hi Petter, Thanks for prompt reply.

    By pkt loss I meant the same what you understood i.e. pkt loss due to shared radio between two roles.

    In the second question say I have Mobile application and a peripheral device with S110 SD. Peripheral device is advertising itself and mobile application is also looking for it at the same time then what time it will take to get connected with mobile?

    Please reply ASAP.

  • The time it takes to get connected depends on the advertising interval used on the peripheral, and the scan interval and scan window used on the central (mobile).

  • Np. If I have answered your questions please accept my answer by clicking the grey circle with a check mark in it.
