I want to ask that if the SDP is only for the BR/EDR?
Bear Reguard
I want to ask that if the SDP is only for the BR/EDR?
Bear Reguard
Yes, in Bluetooth Smart (formerly known as Bluetooth Low Energy) its the GATT(Generic Attribute ) Profile that is responsible for service discovery, see this article on GATT and the ATT protocol.
Quoted from the article:
Since GATT puts all service details on ATT, there is no need for a separate service discovery protocol (SDP), like we have in BR/EDR. The ATT protocol is used for everything: disconvering services, finding services' characteristics, reading/writing values, and so on.
Hi Bjorn, from BLE specification BR/EDR refer to classic bluetooth not Bluetooth low energy.
Hi Bjorn, from BLE specification BR/EDR refer to classic bluetooth not Bluetooth low energy.