I want to ask that if the SDP is only for the BR/EDR?
Bear Reguard
I want to ask that if the SDP is only for the BR/EDR?
Bear Reguard
Yes, in Bluetooth Smart (formerly known as Bluetooth Low Energy) its the GATT(Generic Attribute ) Profile that is responsible for service discovery, see this article on GATT and the ATT protocol.
Quoted from the article:
Since GATT puts all service details on ATT, there is no need for a separate service discovery protocol (SDP), like we have in BR/EDR. The ATT protocol is used for everything: disconvering services, finding services' characteristics, reading/writing values, and so on.
No, Bluetooth LE does not use the Service Discovery Protocol(SDP) for Service Discovery, it uses the ATT protocol. Please see my updated answer.
No, Bluetooth LE does not use the Service Discovery Protocol(SDP) for Service Discovery, it uses the ATT protocol. Please see my updated answer.