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Assistance with nRF52 BLE central/peripheral firmware

Hi there,

Anyone out there that can help me assemble a firmware for nRF52, consisting of UART bonded communication over peripheral mode and scanning of advertisements via central (whitelisted peripherals, bonded)?

Furthermore it needs to control a stepper motor (using a driver) and misc. digital input/output.

I have made most of it, but not in the same firmware. And not in a Peripheral+Central firmware. So I need assistance in assembling all of these building blocks together, as well as some help with testing.

I'm asking for help due to time restrictions. Hourly or fixed payment. Remote or in Copenhagen.

You can PM me on luposlip at gmail dot com if you don't want to write here.

(please excuse me if this kind of "question" is not allowed on this forum).

Best, Henrik

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    Hardware. Firmware. iOS.

    FOR EMERGENCIES CALL/TXT: 732.763.6780

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    User-Centric Full-Stack Embedded Systems Engineer--An Electrical Engineer that knows how to code or a Computer Scientist that knows how to solder.,*

    User experience was traditionally thought of as a function of mechanical design but more and more user experience is given forth by the electronics, firmware, and mobile experiences. I believe great design combined with superb engineering create great experiences which in-turn create returning and happy customers. It's not about 10% better, it's about 10x better.

    *Class of 2010 Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech

    **Past positions at Apple, Intel, IBM, and HP


    • Hardware Project Management
    • Product Feasibility Studies
    • Hardware Architecture
    • Component Selection
    • Circuit Design -- [Analog, Mixed-Signal, Digital]
    • PCB Layout -- [Analog, Mixed-Signal, Digital, High-Speed, RF]
    • PCB Fabrication and Assembly Management
    • Firmware Architecture
    • Firmware Implementation
    • iOS Development
    • Sensors


    Embedded System Product Design:

    Sensor-1 (Size of a U.S. Quarter, small BLE tracking device)

    Cube Medical We also did the website and design:

    GOKey (Raised $1.2M on Indiegogo, Includes customer testimonial, fun project)

    Ledge Charger Novel iPhone Charger

    Industrial Smart Outlet Bootstrapped Internal product we sell to a few companies for industrial automation applications

    Image Processing:

    *Curve Smooth Algorithm for HP Photosmart Printers:

    GPU Convolution Engine for Animation Compositing:

    *Completed in 2007 as an intern at 19 years old. Includes manager testimonial. Marketable feature on HP Photosmart printers.

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    A recommendation is the biggest complement I can get.

    I'm also a private pilot and love taking my clients up. It's a joy to share aviation. Golden Gate Bridge @ 1500ft AGL
