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How to get past "link secure failed! error: PM_CONN_SEC_ERROR_DISCONNECT

I was working with examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_gls. In the SDK11alpha configuration, I paired the dev board with my Android phone running nRF Toolbox and was able to start to modify the example and do things with the glucose data.

I've worked my changes into SDK11 - the change from device_manager to peer_manager had me starting over all of my work as the main program changed so much. No matter.

The real issue is that now I went into the Android part with the nRF Control Panel, and undid the pairing (since the softdevice on the nRF51 is different, etc.) and now want to re-pair the two devices.

However, in the RTT printout, I see: 0> BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_PARAMS_REQUEST 0> À link secure failed! error: PM_CONN_SEC_ERROR_DISCONNECT

and on the Android phone, the display shows "bonding..." for awhile, and simultaneous with the second line appearing on RTT, it shows "not bonded".

How best to work around this?

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    It would be very useful to check what is being transferred over the air. Do you have an extra nRF51-DK or a nRF51-Dongle? If so, could you use the sniffer to track what is being transferred over the air? And upload the sniffer trace here?

    The sniffer should be used with Wireshark, and it works best with version 1.10, not one of the newer versions. Wireshark can be downloaded here:

  • Several seconds after these, I see: Rcvd Connection Parameter Update Request Rcvd Connection Parameter Update Reesponse (Accepted) but nothing relevant to pairing, and eventually the phone shows "not bonded" while RTT shows "link secure failed! error: PM_CONN_SEC_ERROR_DISCONNECT", which is not particularly informative

  • Several seconds after these, I see: Rcvd Connection Parameter Update Request Rcvd Connection Parameter Update Reesponse (Accepted) but nothing relevant to pairing, and eventually the phone shows "not bonded" while RTT shows "link secure failed! error: PM_CONN_SEC_ERROR_DISCONNECT", which is not particularly informative

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