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Android Central connected to 2 peripherals

I have modified the Android Blinky App to connect two peripherals (nRF52 DK)

Scanning and Connecting to two peripherals works.. but when i want to start sending notifications of one of the peripherals the connection is terminated.

in the btsnoop.log I can see that the connection is terminated with "Connection Timeout"..

I am not sure if there is a problem with my implementation or device specific problem.

here is the source code:

        LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getActivity()).registerReceiver(mDatathroughputUpdateReceiver, makeGattUpdateIntentFilter());
    LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getActivity()).registerReceiver(mDatathroughputUpdateReceiver2, makeGattUpdateIntentFilter());
    Bundle extras = getArguments();
    mDeviceName = extras.getString(DatathroughputService.EXTRA_DEVICE_NAME);
    mDeviceAddress = extras.getString(DatathroughputService.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS);
    mDeviceName2 = extras.getString(DatathroughputService.EXTRA_DEVICE_NAME2);
    mDeviceAddress2 = extras.getString(DatathroughputService.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS2);

    mIntentDatathroughput = new Intent(getActivity(), DatathroughputService.class);
    mIntentDatathroughput.putExtra(DatathroughputService.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS, mDeviceAddress);
    boolean flag = getActivity().bindService(mIntentDatathroughput, mServiceConnection, 0);

   mIntentDatathroughput2 = new Intent(getActivity(), DatathroughputService.class);
    mIntentDatathroughput2.putExtra(DatathroughputService.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS, mDeviceAddress2);
    boolean flag2 = getActivity().bindService(mIntentDatathroughput2, mServiceConnection2, 0);
  • @schoensn: Have you check if both of the devices got a write command to enable notification ? (Write 0x01 to the CCCD characteristic ? ). You need to do that from the app. Also you have to check if the notifications are sent from both device but for some reason the app only update the notification from one device. You can check that with a sniffer.

  • @schoensn: Have you check if both of the devices got a write command to enable notification ? (Write 0x01 to the CCCD characteristic ? ). You need to do that from the app. Also you have to check if the notifications are sent from both device but for some reason the app only update the notification from one device. You can check that with a sniffer.

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