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What doses "Test Level " in Datasheet mean ?


I'm trying to change TX power and measure the current consumption while advertising, (DC/DC disabled) and i get an increase of 3.44mA from 0dbm to 4 dbm. Ok That's logic comparing to what is written in the datasheet. But when i go to -30 dbm i m really so confused, the result is approximetly as TX power=0dbm..

Any idea?
Is it related to the test level mentioned in datasheet that i don't find same stuff?

Btw, i find many peaks on ADV , some of them seem logic but what i choose always is the highest peak level for each TX power...

image description

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    The test levels are described at the beginning of chapter 8 ("Electrical specifications) in the Product Specification:

    image description

    What is the current consumption that you measure in -30 dBm mode?

    The profile of an advertising event can be found in the S130 softdevice specification, chapter BLE power profiles --> advertising event.

  • Hi Kristin,

    Ok thanks for the clarification about the test level. the profiles i got are logic and conform to the nordic specification ;)

    Measures :

    1.TX power =0dbm : highest peak = 13.2mA lowest peak = 11.84mA

    2-TX power =-30dbm : highest peak = 12.76mA lowest peak = 11.76mA

    3.TX power =4dbm : highest peak = 16.56mA lowest peak = 16.36mA

    Its not really logic comparing to the data sheet :/ (i mean when TX power =-30dbm, the others are fine)

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    The current consumption numbers in the product specifications should be correct. Could you upload the code that you use for testing?

  • Hi Kristin,

    The code is basic, just initializing ADV and then start ADV and in while(1) loop i put the sd_app_evt_wait();, so i get peaks of advertising periodically as supposed to be, and the profile of each ADV event is exactly the same as in the nordic specification. The current consumption i found are logic, but not for the -30dbm

    A question : HOW can i calculate expected values from BLE power profiles? I don't have exact time duration of each stage (A, B ....) ?

  • Any one can reply my question please ?

    question :HOW can i calculate expected values from BLE power profiles? I don't have exact time duration of each stage (A, B ....) ?
