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I would like to know about robust Security.

I have known that is AES-128 for the security solution on nRF51822. We need more powerful security function and algorithm. As this developer zone, Bluetooth Core 4.2 has more powerful Security Key solution. Also What is the difference for Security Key between nRF51822 and 52832? I would like to know more detailed information.

  • Hi there,

    Your question is too vague, I suggest you first read up a little bit on the available security mechanisms in the Bluetooth Low Energy spec before you actually try to make a choice. In particular:

    • Pairing and Bonding (with and without MITM, with and without LE Secure Conections)
    • Encryption establishment using LTK
    • Privacy, resolvable address generation and resolution and IRK

    There are multiple sources out there (both free on the internet and available in the form of books) to learn about those. The Nordic SoftDevices support almost all features.


  • Hi there,

    Your question is too vague, I suggest you first read up a little bit on the available security mechanisms in the Bluetooth Low Energy spec before you actually try to make a choice. In particular:

    • Pairing and Bonding (with and without MITM, with and without LE Secure Conections)
    • Encryption establishment using LTK
    • Privacy, resolvable address generation and resolution and IRK

    There are multiple sources out there (both free on the internet and available in the form of books) to learn about those. The Nordic SoftDevices support almost all features.


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