I have designed a custom PCB with Nrf52 for an ECG wearable sensor application and is trying to optimise the power consumption of the device. The application is to collect the ECG data (at fixed sampling interval of 32/128/256 Hz) from a TI ADS1292 AFE (AMP+ADC) and transmit it via BLE and receive it in the Master control panel app in the PC/Mobile App. The TI chip is interfaced with Nrf52 using SPI interface. I want to measure/optimise the power at different data rates.
If power/Current consumed by Nrf52 is P Amps at 256 Hz transmission At 128 Hz sampling/Transmission rate, Can I expect the current consumed by NRF52 to be around ~P/2 Amps? At 32 Hz sampling?transmission rate, Can I expect the current consumed by NRF52 to be around ~P/8 Amps??
what are the parameters to be optimised for achieving this kind of power scaling/reduction? Some things I expect to modify are
- Connection Interval (reduce to half or 1/8th for case 2 and case 3)
- Anything else? Any reports/graphs/plots on power reduction w.r.t. data rate?
Does consumed current scale linearly w.r.t data rate? Looking at this tutorial, power consumed at 100ms and 1000ms connection interval are not exactly 1/10th? Any Comments on this? devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../