I am writing an app to utilise the new LESC feature using Diffie Hellman related pairing. I am testing the app against the Nordic provided ble_app_multirole_lesc. I have tried to mimic the app on my end as much as possible, including setting the IO capability to BLE_GAP_IO_CAPS_DISPLAY_YESNO. However, when I try to pair from my device using my app, I eventually get the error BLE_GAP_SEC_STATUS_DHKEY_FAILURE
. This happens after I get the event BLE_GAP_EVT_LESC_DHKEY_REQUEST
, and I successfully reply with sd_ble_gap_lesc_dhkey_reply(p_dhkey)
. So I would like to know the reason for this error. Is it related to the keys being generated or is it more related to the sequence of operations, or is it something else entirely?
I am using softdevice version 2.0.0 and SDK version 11.0.0.