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hrs example -> buttonless dfu infinite loop

Rudimentary question about DFU; thanks for your patience.

I'm developing an app for a "headless" (no buttons, no led's) ble application which will have a companion mobile app with which, among other things, the user will be allowed to do app DFU's.

Before I can even get going in testing my own app, I wanted to make sure I saw and fully understood the flow of a successful DFU.

  1. I built and loaded the HRS app with DFU enabled
  2. I tried the iPhone nRF toolbox, which exhibited the behavior below whenever I tried to update the device by selecting one of the application files hard-wired into the toolbox - i.e. hrs_s110_5.hex - selecting of course to update the Application only.
  3. Just so I could see the console, etc., I built the nRF toolbox iOS app and did it again.
  4. Result: At the toolbox UI, it appears to be in an infinite loop "Starting DFU..." and "Enabling DFU Bootloader...". The console output is attached in log.pdf

I am using the bootloader that came on the device. Perhaps I have a fundamental misunderstanding and I need to build and download a bootloader for the device before I do this ota app update. However, I don't see how I can even do that given that the example bootloader code requires at least one button and one led.

Guidance appreciated; thanks.

Attachments: log.pdf

  • Could this be true? Meaning, could it be true that buttonless DFU apps cannot be built natively on a Mac using GCC? Does development of buttonless DFU apps require KEIL+Windows?

    It was true up to the 8.1.0 release where GCC support added. In other words, SDK 8.1.0 and later should work out-of-the-box with GCC.

    I tried the iPhone nRF toolbox, which exhibited the behavior below whenever I tried to update the device by selecting one of the application files hard-wired into the toolbox - i.e. hrs_s110_5.hex - selecting of course to update the Application only.

    The bootloader from SDK 7 and later requires an "init" file as an extra safety measurement. More on that here and instructions on how to create it here. You can also test with the pre-made .zip files found in the SDK to verify that the bootloader is working: "\nRF51_SDK_10.0.0\examples\dfu\ble_dfu_send_hex\test_images_update_nrf51\"

  • Could this be true? Meaning, could it be true that buttonless DFU apps cannot be built natively on a Mac using GCC? Does development of buttonless DFU apps require KEIL+Windows?

    It was true up to the 8.1.0 release where GCC support added. In other words, SDK 8.1.0 and later should work out-of-the-box with GCC.

    I tried the iPhone nRF toolbox, which exhibited the behavior below whenever I tried to update the device by selecting one of the application files hard-wired into the toolbox - i.e. hrs_s110_5.hex - selecting of course to update the Application only.

    The bootloader from SDK 7 and later requires an "init" file as an extra safety measurement. More on that here and instructions on how to create it here. You can also test with the pre-made .zip files found in the SDK to verify that the bootloader is working: "\nRF51_SDK_10.0.0\examples\dfu\ble_dfu_send_hex\test_images_update_nrf51\"

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