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Using Whitelist without Device Manager

Hi, I need to use whitelist in ble_app_uart example, What are the steps that need to be followed for that. Is device Manager is mandatory for using whitelist. Can anyone throw me some light on this ?


  • Hi Thangaraj,

    No, you don't have to use device manager. We provided device manager as a library, you can choose to use it or not.

    You can use the APIs provided by softdevice directly to setup the whitelist.

    If you have a look at this blog. You can find the example code for setting up the whitelist for a central device address. It's not include the whitelist using IRK, but it shouldn't be too hard to implement one.

  • Hi Thangaraj,

    No, you don't have to use device manager. We provided device manager as a library, you can choose to use it or not.

    You can use the APIs provided by softdevice directly to setup the whitelist.

    If you have a look at this blog. You can find the example code for setting up the whitelist for a central device address. It's not include the whitelist using IRK, but it shouldn't be too hard to implement one.
