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How to find direction with distance to nRF52832

Hi Guys

I have a project where we are using nRF52832 chip. We need to make an app that can scan for beacons and give us "angle direction" to the nearest beacon.

The distance can be found through RSSI, but what about the 360 angle so that user knows in what direction the chip is.

Are there any examples of this kind of implementation? Do we need to install antennas to the nRF52832 or can we somehow use the chip to provide us with that info?

  • I don't think nordic provides that kind of example - you should implement your own procedure basing on some kind of triangulation algorithms. However, i would not expect this to work correctly as different devices (phones) have different antennas etc... Also every environment is different and rf waves behaves in a different way. I have seen some products with that kind of functionality, but none of them worked correctly :D

  • I don't think nordic provides that kind of example - you should implement your own procedure basing on some kind of triangulation algorithms. However, i would not expect this to work correctly as different devices (phones) have different antennas etc... Also every environment is different and rf waves behaves in a different way. I have seen some products with that kind of functionality, but none of them worked correctly :D

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