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Access to earlier nRF51 SDK for Ev Kit?

Note that nWP-018 "Migrating to the latest nRF51822 chip version" specifies that the SDK version which should be used with the Eval Kits I have (version 1.0, chip variant QFAA-CA; and version 2.0, chip variant QFAA-C0) is v4.xx. Also, if I now download a copy of the SDK from my downloads area, I get version 5.0 or 5.1, each of which is accompanied by a warning that they only work with more recent chips. I cannot seem to access version 4.x anymore.

OK, so where is nRF51 SDK 4.4.1 (or similar) now? If I can't access it anymore, how can I use the 5.x SDKs with my Eval Kits?



  • Hi Mike,

    If you click on the version number of your desired download, you will be sent to a page which holds the version history. From this page you can download older versions.

    Here's a direct link:

    Best regards Håkon

  • Håkon,

    Thanks for the quick reply and the direct link. Looks like we may have a website programming error here.

    I can't get to the version selection page (except via your direct link). If I go to My Page/My Downloads, the only link I have to the SDK is shown in the first attached image. The only active link in the SDK entry (other than Remove) is the name of the SDK file, not the version number. (Curious thing is that this line in the table is repeated on the second page of the table, same info.)

    Clicking on the file name yields the popup shown in the second attached image, with only an Accept or Decline response. The former downloads the v 5.1 SDK, the latter returns to the My Downloads page without action. In neither case, do I get to the version selection page.

    Given this, what's the appropriate way to get to the version selection page contained in your direct link?


    PS: Just to double check, I went to My Products page, which correctly lists "nRF51822" and "nRF51822 Evaluation Kit". Clicking on the latter takes me to the Ev Kit product description, the "Downloads" tab shows a table with entry similar to the first image. Clicking on that generates a similar popup to the second image, with only Accept and Decline responses. Seems to me that this popup is the problem; it should have a third button for "Earlier Versions" that leads to the version selection page. Just a thought :-)

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  • Unfortunately, you'll get this version selection only if you click on the version number from the download tab of the kit, not when you click a version number from the My Downloads list.

  • Ole,

    Thanks, but I suggest a modification to your website to make it more usable. If I go to "My Products"/the eval kit/"Downloads", I get the first image below with two entries for the SDK (one an .msi file, I presume, and the other a .zip. Seems redundant.) Clicking on the filenames yields the Accept/Decline popup as noted above.

    But curiously, only one of the two "5.1.0" links gets to the "4.4.1" version. (See the last two images below. You get to figure out which one ;)

    Sigh.... it appears I can only find the earlier SDK by an exhaustive search of all access paths, not a very useful situation.

    Hope this comment helps to improve your site.


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