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nRF52832 compatibility issues with windows 10

I am using nRF52832 DK and we designed a custom board using nRF52832. I am using a windows 10 lap. It used to program successfully from windows 10 lap and boards will advertise and connect to mobile successfully. But later on programming successfully but boards are not advertising. I even tried with DK board itself and even DK board is not advertising. Again I tried same code and same board with windows 7 lap. Programming successful and advertising and connecting also successful in both DK and custom boards. Please clarify are there any compatibility issues with windows 10? How can I resolve them....??

  • This sounds a little strange.

    1. What toolchain are you using? (Keil? GCC? other?)
    2. What program (and version of it) do you use to program the board? (Keil? nrfjprog? nRFgo studio? other?)
    3. Do you have the latest version of the Segger JLink software on both machines?
    4. What is the output from running nrfjprog -v from cmd.exe?
    5. If using Keil, have you successfully installed the latest Device Family Pack?
    6. Do you get any warnings or errors when compiling the application?
  • This sounds a little strange.

    1. What toolchain are you using? (Keil? GCC? other?)
    2. What program (and version of it) do you use to program the board? (Keil? nrfjprog? nRFgo studio? other?)
    3. Do you have the latest version of the Segger JLink software on both machines?
    4. What is the output from running nrfjprog -v from cmd.exe?
    5. If using Keil, have you successfully installed the latest Device Family Pack?
    6. Do you get any warnings or errors when compiling the application?
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