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NRF24L01 sending but not receiving data

Hi I have been trying to get two NRF24L01 chips communicate with each other since a week now, without much success. All what I can find on the net is Arduino examples using RF24.h library. I am not using Arduino.

The transmitter chip is transmitting a single byte data, however the receiver is not being able to receive the data. Although the carrier detect flag on the receiver side goes high each time the transmitter transmits. I am not using any library and also I have disabled the auto acknowledgement feature.

Here is the sequence on the receiver:


SPIM_1_PutArray(PowerUp, 2);        CyDelay(40);        // Power up, disable CRC and set as PRX
SPIM_1_PutArray(PowerUp, 2);        CyDelay(40);        // Power up, disable CRC and set as PRX
SPIM_1_PutArray(Set_Feature, 2);    CyDelay(40);        // Set feature for enabling W_TX_PAYLOAD_NOACK
SPIM_1_PutArray(AA_Feature, 2);     CyDelay(40);        // Activate features
SPIM_1_PutArray(RX_PW_P0, 2);       CyDelay(40);        // Set payload width for pipe 0 to 1 byte
SPIM_1_PutArray(AW, 2);             CyDelay(40);        // Specify Address width to 3 bytes
SPIM_1_PutArray(TX_ADD, 4);         CyDelay(80);        // Transmitter address
SPIM_1_PutArray(RX_ADR_PO, 4);      CyDelay(80);        // Receiver address on pipe 0
SPIM_1_PutArray(EN_AA_P0, 2);       CyDelay(80);        // Disable auto caknowledgement on all pipes 
SPIM_1_PutArray(RF_CH, 2);          CyDelay(80);        // Set RF channel to ch 1
SPIM_1_PutArray(E_RX_ADD, 2);       CyDelay(80);        // Enable pipe 0 for receiving
SPIM_1_PutArray(RF_SETUP, 2);       CyDelay(80);        // Air data rate = 1Mbps, RF Power = 0db

CE_Write(1); SPIM_1_PutArray(R_RX, 2); rx = SPIM_1_ReadRxData(); rx = SPIM_1_ReadRxData();

What am I missing? Please tell me a basic code code to transmit and receive a single byte data without using any dedicated library. I will be very very very thankful!

Thanks in advance!

  • Unfortunately we don't have an example for nRF24L01P(because it would be MCU's platform dependent).

    Regarding the library, you can find them the nRFgo SDK\source_code\hal\nrf24l01p folder. Since the nRF24L01P is basically integrated inside the nRF24LE1 as the radio part, you can follow what we do in the source code of the esb example for the nRF24LE1 in the nRFGo SDK to implement that on your MCU.

  • Unfortunately we don't have an example for nRF24L01P(because it would be MCU's platform dependent).

    Regarding the library, you can find them the nRFgo SDK\source_code\hal\nrf24l01p folder. Since the nRF24L01P is basically integrated inside the nRF24LE1 as the radio part, you can follow what we do in the source code of the esb example for the nRF24LE1 in the nRFGo SDK to implement that on your MCU.

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