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current Reading on BLE_POWER_PROFILING APP

Hi, Everyone,

I am trying to achieve minimum current level, I can possibly achieve, with continuous BLE transmission

so, I tried running BLE_POWER_PROFILING_APP given by Nordic as an Example.... Though , I Wanted to ask you what is the current reading that I should get when BLE is transmittitng ..??

I am getting something around 0.040 mA when BLE is transmitting with 1000 ms Interval and 180 Second Timeout period, and Radio Tx Power set to -12 dBm in Connectable adv mode...

Can I achieve Lower than this ???

Without changing Tx Power or Interval ????

I am running S130 with SDK v 11.0.0-2-alpha

Thank you...

  • Well, this depends on several parameters. In addition to BLE interval and TX power as you mention, the voltage, DCDC on/off and BLE payload also affects the power consumption. And of course, advertising mode vs. connection mode gives different currents.

    I can give you a couple of examples with expected current consumption for advertising and connection with different payload. I am assuming the voltage is 3V and TX power is -12dB.

          TX payload	DCDC off	DCDC on
    Adv 1000 ms:
          8 Bytes	    21uA		15uA (11uA)
          31 Bytes	    25uA		18uA (14uA)
    Con 1000 ms:
          0 Bytes	    20uA		13uA (6uA)
          27 Bytes	    22uA		15uA (8uA)

    These numbers are for the nRF51. I included numbers for nRF52 in the parentheses for reference.

  • Well, this depends on several parameters. In addition to BLE interval and TX power as you mention, the voltage, DCDC on/off and BLE payload also affects the power consumption. And of course, advertising mode vs. connection mode gives different currents.

    I can give you a couple of examples with expected current consumption for advertising and connection with different payload. I am assuming the voltage is 3V and TX power is -12dB.

          TX payload	DCDC off	DCDC on
    Adv 1000 ms:
          8 Bytes	    21uA		15uA (11uA)
          31 Bytes	    25uA		18uA (14uA)
    Con 1000 ms:
          0 Bytes	    20uA		13uA (6uA)
          27 Bytes	    22uA		15uA (8uA)

    These numbers are for the nRF51. I included numbers for nRF52 in the parentheses for reference.
