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Trouble Writing nRF52832's UICR->CUSTOMER through J-Flash

Hello guys,

I have a very strange issue when working with UICR's customer register.

I am using a SEGGER Flasher Portable with J-Flash V5.10d to load a hex file (which is a merged from the SoftDevice s132 v2.0.0 and my DFU Bootloader) on our boards through the SWD interface. I used auto from the target menu, so the board will run bootloader after a successful program. Once the boot loader is running, an OTA is performed to load the application image.

The problem occurs when I add an exit step by writing the UICR register's CUSTOMER[0] (Write 32bit) and CUSTOMER[1] (also Write 32bit). After the above mentioned steps, the boot loader starts advertising, but I am unable to perform OTA DFU using Nordic's nRF Toolbox.

image description

As outlined in the attached picture, I am writing address 0x10001080, which points to the NRF_UICR->CUSTOMER[0]. The Auto process will take care of erasing, programming and verifying the hex. It then starts the application.

What am I doing wrong? Are there any extra steps required to make changes to theUICR registers?

Best, Firas
