I use ble_app_uart of IOS,but the Tx speed is about 200B/s(send 20B for 100ms), why ? how to speed up to 20KB/s ? Thank you!
I use ble_app_uart of IOS,but the Tx speed is about 200B/s(send 20B for 100ms), why ? how to speed up to 20KB/s ? Thank you!
What Connection Interval are you using?
Here is Connection Interval : #define MIN_CONN_INTERVAL MSEC_TO_UNITS(20, UNIT_1_25_MS) #define MAX_CONN_INTERVAL MSEC_TO_UNITS(75, UNIT_1_25_MS)
I use android to send 20 bytes only using 5ms, Speed is 4KB/s, why ios is so slow ?? how to fix it ??
The (20B)/(100ms) most likely is because of two facts:
(This is weird because the default used in SDK v10 ble_app_uart example is set to have a minimum connection interval of 20ms, and maximum connection interval of 75ms... May I ask where you got those numbers? I am assuming some further delay was introduced due to processing.)
If you stick with NUS, one thing you could do is decreasing the connection interval and thus increasing throughput. According to Bluetooth Design Guidelines from Apple, the minimum you can go to is 20ms. You can force this minimum connection interval by setting both the minimum connection interval and maximum connection interval to 20ms. In nRF51 SDK v10.0.0's ble_app_uart example, I did this by having the following modification:
#define MIN_CONN_INTERVAL MSEC_TO_UNITS(20, UNIT_1_25_MS) // Line 69
#define MAX_CONN_INTERVAL MSEC_TO_UNITS(20, UNIT_1_25_MS) // Line 70
changed to an equivalent of 20ms. This change the connection parameters being used to initialize GAP in gap_params_init()
(Line 179)
Running a modified example as such on the nRF51 DK, I could still connect to the DK with my Moto X phone (Android) and observed that the firmware still worked correctly.
With one packet per 20ms interval, you are now at (20B / 20ms) = (1B / 1ms) = (1kB/s).
To increase the throughput even further, you need to modify the code so that multiple packets are notified one after another. Unfortunately, even with this, you could only push it to 4~6 packets/interval. That is limited by the SoftDevice and your iOS device, so there are no way to overcome this. Therefore you are limited to 4~6 kB/s. And this is assuming no other delay get in the way.
You can refer to the following answer for another great explanation on this topic: devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../
I don't think you can send 20 Bytes in 5ms. The nRF51 SDK is limited to an absolute minimum connection interval of 7.5ms. May I ask how you measured those value?