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NRF52832 sensitivity


The documentation states -96dBm rx sensitivity for 1mbit BLE mode and -93dBm for proprietary 1mbit mode.

Is it possible to use BLE mode (3 in MODE register) but still use some prorietary code we will develop (similar to ESB) and not a full bluetooth stack?

  • Hi, if you don't have any requirements for backwards compatibility with existing nRF legacy devices that rely on our ESB library, then I see no problem to use 'BLE mode' even for proprietary protocol. If you have the latest nRF5 SDK v11 (or later) it should be possible to init by:

     nrf_esb_config.bitrate = RADIO_MODE_MODE_Ble_1Mbit; // Default RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_2Mbit
  • Hi, if you don't have any requirements for backwards compatibility with existing nRF legacy devices that rely on our ESB library, then I see no problem to use 'BLE mode' even for proprietary protocol. If you have the latest nRF5 SDK v11 (or later) it should be possible to init by:

     nrf_esb_config.bitrate = RADIO_MODE_MODE_Ble_1Mbit; // Default RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_2Mbit
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