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nrf51822 uart example

Hello to everybody. I've buy a nrf51822 module with a motherboard. i struggling to programming an uart over bluetooth example but i think something missing.

With nrfgo studio i have erased the device and program again the S110_nRF51_8.0.0 SoftDevice. opened the ble_uart_s110_pca10028 example and set the device to nRF51822_xxAC in Device tab in Option for target menu. After that, setup the device addresses IROM1 to (start) 0x18000 and (size) 0x28000, IRAM1 to (start) 0x20002000 and (size) 0x2000 as i found in s110_nrf51_8.0.0_migration-document.pdf finally build the project and flash it with segger's jlink. But i didn't achieve any device discover over my smartphone. Not even in uart com port shows any message.
