I'm using nrfgo to program nrf24LE1, and want to use commandline programming. I've tried to find an overview of the commands with no luck. Where can I find it? I've tried to use the _h command, but this only gives me the help command
I'm using nrfgo to program nrf24LE1, and want to use commandline programming. I've tried to find an overview of the commands with no luck. Where can I find it? I've tried to use the _h command, but this only gives me the help command
If you have installed nRFgo Studio, then it should be possible to use nrfgocli.exe found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\nRFgo Studio
To get more help on each command, type nrfgocli -h -"command" (i.e. nrfgocli -h -p will give you details on the program command)