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multiple writes and notifications per connection interval

I know that it can be done and I have read the other posts. I'm still running on SDK8.0.0 with both a S110 and a S130. Using wireshark and the nordic sniffer firmware on a dongle I can see only one 20 byte attribute write command (not the req with response type) going out per connection interval. I also see the same thing on all notify type HVX messsages. I often see an empty PDU coming back interleaved in the writes and HVXs.

When I do my writes I call the stack send until I get back the no buffers return and then start queueing up and then every time I receive a TX Complete event I send the next one in my buffer. I always seem to get a TX Complete with only 1 in the count. I would have expected to pipeline my 4 writes into a single connection interval but that is not the case.

Any ideas? I have it on my plate to update to the latest stack, however I do want to put this issue to bed before stirring things up with new stack and SD. Is there an issue with 8.0.0 that updating will fix?

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