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pwm doesn't change

Hi there,I am using the PWM library in github After I do this in my project and I check the pin output with Oscilloscope but didn't see the PWM change.

int main(void)
nrf_pwm_config_t pwm_config = PWM_DEFAULT_CONFIG;
    pwm_config.mode             = PWM_MODE_LED_255;
    pwm_config.num_channels     = 1;
    pwm_config.gpio_num[0]      = 11;
    // Initialize the PWM library

        nrf_pwm_set_value(0, 0xFF);
        nrf_pwm_set_value(0, 0x50);
        nrf_pwm_set_value(0, 0x00);


I am using the the 8.1 SDK and I changed the function "nrf_gpiote_unconfig" to "nrf_gpiote_task_disable" ,"nrf_gpiote_task_config" to "nrf_gpiote_task_configure" .And I also try the examples in the PWM Library and they didn't work too.

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