I want to connect to the wired sensor NRF51822 board, whether it is possible to adjust the findings for the closure, they sent a message to the application?
I want to connect to the wired sensor NRF51822 board, whether it is possible to adjust the findings for the closure, they sent a message to the application?
I have some difficulties understanding what you mean.
Is it that you have a sensor connected to an nRF51 board, and you want to read the sensor data and send it (over BLE or other wireless protocol) to for example a smartphone? If so, yes it is possible.
Any further details would be great, as it would make it easier to give good answers.
I understand how to do it, thanks! I now have a question. How to make the Board able to connect the phone with a specific mac address of bluetooth module. In proximity app!
I still have difficulties understanding.
Do you want to connect only to certain phones? Then you can use either whitelisting or directed advertising to filter what device to connect to. See for instance the advertising module or the peer manager.