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Thoughts on why TWI line will work on DK but not on beacon?


I am utilizing an accelerometer sensor and communicating with it using TWI (I2C). I have both a development kit (NRF51-DK) and the Beacon (nRF51822-Beacon). I can properly use the sensor on the DK and get proper data transfer. However, when I connect the sensor to the Beacon, the data transfer becomes corrupted. I do realize that my chips are different (51422 on DK and 51822 for beacon), but have made the changes accordingly in my IDE. Any thoughts would be useful. As a note I use CrossWorks as my IDE, and use the TWI header and source files given by Nordic SDK.

As an example, when I program a read of the sensor, the DK receives the proper data. However, when I read any register on the sensor using the Beacon, I receive a 0xD4. The sensor address is 0xD6.

Thank you for any input.
