Hello there,
I managed successfuly to build the 'ble_app_hrs' of SDK10 on my NRF51 on GCC MARS 2.0 using these two guides combined:
devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../
I downloaded the 'nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_ble_app_hrs_dfu_s110_pca10028.zip' pack with the cproject and makefile. I tried to load C files of my own but I couldn't ubild them and recieved constantly this error: 'No such file or directory'.
I tried to attach my simple C file of LEDs operation, and the SDK relative drivers, by: Right click(on the project name folder) > Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols. I added the right #include to the main.c file and I failed. I only managed to relate the H file.
I copied the C and H files to the build directory(Properties > C/C++ build > build directory) where the cproject and makefile are located, and no result.
What must I do in order to successfuly run these lovely LED H and C files on GCC??