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When use the sample code of direct_test_mode, the nRF 51DK cannot work in DTM mode

  1. Open the nRFgo Studio and connect PCA10028 (NRF 51DK Board) then Erase all data

  2. Open the uVision V5.18a

  3. Open the DTM project file of the example in the following path, then Build code (F7) by the default(no change any code) : \examples\dtm\direct_test_mode\pca10028\s130\arm5_no_packs\direct_test_mode_s130_pca10028.uvprojx

  4. After Code build successful, Press "Download" button to download to PCA10028 (NRF 51DK Board) turn off switch and unplug the USB cable, then connect to the Anritsu MT8852B Bluetooth Tester via RS232 to TTL adaper.

  5. Switch the EUT interface to 2wire from Anritsu MT8852B

  6. The Anritsu MT8852B can not communicate with this NRF 51DK Board.

Am I missing some step?

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