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Is ble mesh working for nrf51822 EK (pca10001 v2.2.0)?

Hi All,

Please tell is ble mesh is it work for nrf51822 EK, the code is taken from this the code provided in this link, is tested for EK and our custom board(as same as EK) it can able to communicate but their is lot of delay and also it is one way communication. And one more link they suggested here this is working only for version 3 boards, but i have only version 2 boards.

So i need to develop the application using source code shared in first link. But this code is giving some issues, so some one suggested second link. If i want to develop app using second link source code i need version 3 hardware, right now i don't have.

Can any one please tell me how to work with first link source code.

Regards Manjunath
