I tried the example ble_app_multilink_central (SDK 11.0) with S130 soft device. My requirement is that nrf-dongle should work in central mode and it should connect maximum 6 iPhone devices without pairing bonding. At present, I am using iPhone5S.
Configured the nrf-dongle as central, and iPhone as peripheral device.I observed that once the connection is established, it gets again disconnected immediately (disconnected reason 0x08 BLE HCI Connection timeout). How to prevent this?
I observed that iPhone keeps advertising even after connection at nrf-dongle is established. Is there pairing and bonding necessary with iPone? How to stop advertising at iPhone?
I came to know from iPhone app. engineer that iPhone doesn't get connection successful information from nrf-dongle so iPhone keeps on advertising. What should I do in nrf-dongle code such that I can send connection successful information to iPhone and thus I can stop iPhone to further advertising.
Can anyone suggest, what this code might be doing which disconects it with iOS device.