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usage of each Radio mode (FCC)

Hi there,

I am now in FCC stage and finalizing a FCC code using the radio test sample code. I do have a delimma on what type of radio mode I have to use. Will you please explain to me what are the appropriate usage for the different radio Mode in FCC testing.

  1. RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_1Mbit
  2. RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_2Mbit
  3. RADIO_MODE_MODE_Nrf_250Kbit
  4. RADIO_MODE_MODE_Ble_1Mbit

My chip is nRF51422.

My second question is that, do I need to enable the DC-DC in FCC test code? My hardware is configured to use the DC-DC.

Thanks, -mc

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