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MOD-nRF8001 undiscoverable

image descriptionI bought MOD-nRF8001 BLE Module for prototyping. I gave 3.3v Supply to modules's 3.3V pin & GND to GND pin. But, I cant figure out weather mODULE IS ON OR OFF. Its unrecoverable in NOrdic master control panel android app & other BLE apps. There isnt any LED indication to show power status. Do I need to apply other pins too, just to make BLE discoverable? Or is this module comes blank & we have to install sdk to power up. Please help me out.

  • I take it you mean this:

    image description

    Note that the nRF8001 is just a radio transceiver - it needs an external "host" (eg, a microcontroller) to make it actually do anything.

    There is an Arduino SDK:

  • I connected module to arduino uno board via SPI connections. Also provided 3.3V to module. I am running SDK code from the link you have sent in your previous answer. Its working. But still, In serial monitor I am not receiving BLE advertising confirmation response, which is "Advertising started : Tap Connect on the nRF UART app" according to arduino SDK code. BLE is still undiscoverable in nordic android app. I have attached screenshot of my serial monitor response in my question. As Arduino SPI voltage level is 5V. I am using LM1117 ICs to downgrade it to 3,3V (Mod-nRF8001 Module SPI level). Is it correct or should I use resistor voltage divider circuit only?. Do I need to connect arduino reset pin to module reset pin? Please guide me.

  • I connected module to arduino uno board via SPI connections. Also provided 3.3V to module. I am running SDK code from the link you have sent in your previous answer. Its working. But still, In serial monitor I am not receiving BLE advertising confirmation response, which is "Advertising started : Tap Connect on the nRF UART app" according to arduino SDK code. BLE is still undiscoverable in nordic android app. I have attached screenshot of my serial monitor response in my question. As Arduino SPI voltage level is 5V. I am using LM1117 ICs to downgrade it to 3,3V (Mod-nRF8001 Module SPI level). Is it correct or should I use resistor voltage divider circuit only?. Do I need to connect arduino reset pin to module reset pin? Please guide me.

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