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CRC Error using DFU of nRF Toolbox

I want to update over BLE with using DFU tool. But do not start updating process.
DFU tool indicates "Enabling DFU Bootloader".
Bootloader stops at memcpy() of dfu_ble_peer_data_set().
Where/What should I confirm ?

Application Hex File is merged app_valid_setting_apply.hex.
DFU Update Type is Dual Bank type.
Application size is about 20kB.

S110 v8.0.0
SDK v8.1.0

  • Thank you for your reply.

    I'm using the bootloader example from the SDK.
    I checked update procedure again. Then I understood this procedure.

    1. Make bin file of application
    2. Calculate CRC of bin file
    3. Make dat file
    4. Make json file
    5. Compress to zip file
    6. Send zip file to nRF Toolbox
    7. Update with zip file

    Updated the application. Thanks !!

  • Glad to hear that you were able to solve the problem!

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